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How do I give my minor child medical power of attorney over?

The key words in your question minor child should hint at the answer. A minor cannot enter into contracts or become the guardian or attorney in fact for themselves in any capacity. They cannot make medical decisions for themselves as, in the eyes of the law, they are not competent to do so. You, as a parent, cannot, under any circumstance, give your minor child a medical power of attorney. Only when an individual reaches majority, e.g. 18 years of age, can they make life and death decisions for themselves with one exception - a minor can petition a court to become emancipated from parental rights over them, in that rare case, the emancipated minor individual can make all decisions regarding their own life. Emancipation is basically where a child divorces his parents. If your child emancipates themself from your parental rights and authority, you no longer have any say in how they conduct their life and you would have no legal relationship in which to grant a medical power of attorney to them for their own medical care.

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